Anime girl sitting by the water

Depict a scene where a young female character, inspired by classic anime aesthetics, is sitting peacefully by the water's edge. She can be depicted with noticeable manga and anime characteristics such as exaggerated eyes, expressive faces, and colourful, distinctive hair. The scene toned in a predominantly pastel palette to capture the serene environment. The water should exhibit a reflective quality, presenting a mirror image of the sky and the girl. The image should be in two dimensions, emulating the traditional anime style.

Depict a scene where a young female character, inspired by classic anime aesthetics, is sitting peacefully by the water's edge. She can be depicted with noticeable manga and anime characteristics such as exaggerated eyes, expressive faces, and colourful, distinctive hair. The scene toned in a predominantly pastel palette to capture the serene environment. The water should exhibit a reflective quality, presenting a mirror image of the sky and the girl. The image should be in two dimensions, emulating the traditional anime style.

Anime girl sitting by the water

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